Just a couple of things. Came across a jet ski and kayak for Dollar Tree’s fashion dolls and thought they work for Joe and Cobra. I’ve dubbed the Cobra watercraft Daggertooth after an eel of the same name.

Here is the cannon again along with a Cobra jet I’ve been calling the Fer-De-Lance made from a Lightyear movie Blast and Battle XL-15. Tore it apart and gutted the action feature so 6″ figures could fit in the cockpit. Also a random remote control motorcycle that I think I bought on clearance at Menards several years ago. Just a quick and dirty repaint on that.
Well, I’ve been in a creative funk for quite some time and, of all things, toys from the movie Lightyear got me to actually do some stuff. This started out as the Plasma Drilling unit and I customized it for use with G.I. Joe Classified figures. This is just a sneak peak, glamour shots of this and maybe one or two other things are forthcoming.
After much soul searching I have decided to once again run for President of the United States of America. As before, I have only one plank on my platform: create a cabinet level position for the standardization and regulation of dickholes in men’s underwear. I hope I can count on your support. Thank you and God Bless America!
Use the Bene Gesserit technique for proper hand sanitation.
Well. Here I am at my woefully neglected smidge of the internet. What is happening, babies? I’ve been doing some stuff. Yuppers.
Last weekend I attended SiouxperCon in Sioux Falls and, as fate would have it, I moderated two panels while I was there. Had a helluva good time but am quite frankly still too exhausted to do a write-up. One is coming. Cross my ass.
Also, for the first time I am doing Inktober. Started by Jake Parker in 2009 as a way to develop better drawing habits, it is a drawing challenge to do one ink work a day for every day in October. The official site has prompts to help kick the ideas in gear and many other places do as well. My friend Jen Dixon joined with some artist friends to create some prompts and a contest to win some Skillshare memberships under the banner INKredible Inktober. Yesterday was “Metamorphosis” and today was “Forest of Wonders.” I’ll be posting the rest as they are completed. Drawings below.
So, anywhozle, I’ll get a SiouxperCon post (probably two or three) and keep plugging away at the sloppy art. Amazing how quick the skill start to slip when you don’t do it for a while. I should know better.
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